All of these scars can cause problems to the skin, the fascia and also any other soft tissues cut through. These surgical interventions left me with a great and stable ankle but also occasional pain and discomfort in the soft tissues and numbness in the skin. The ScarWork treatment I have received so far has returned a large percentage of the sensation around the scars. Integrated with the EMMETT Technique I have received from colleagues, including Ross Emmett, this has given me a much more functional and comfortable ankle after a very tricky fracture.
Why have Scar Therapy?
Every year thousands of people undergo surgery or have serious accidents leaving them with scar tissue which may leave them feeling tight or uncomfortable in their body. Others may not notice any physical discomfort and not pay any attention to the potential cause of discomfort some time later - maybe in a totally different part of the body. At times a scar in the abdomen can pull the body into a forward bend - so that the muscles and soft tissues tighten at the front. What many people don’t realise is that the muscles at the back of the body have to compensate and are sometimes under stretch at all times, leading to back pain that keeps returning.
ScarWork treatment is used to improve the health and feel of scars and surrounding soft tissues from surgery or accidents.
* Release Tightness
* Help Restricted Mobility
* Reduce Sensitivity and Pain
* Stimulate and Boost Healing
*Support Emotional Wellbeing
The body is a fascinating structure and we continue to learn its’ many secrets. One of the more recent anatomical discussions revolves around the importance of the structure called Fascia and how it assists smooth and flexible movement.
Lots of You Tube clips are now available to describe this amazing web that wraps around the other tissues and organs in the body.
I have completed Sharon Wheeler’s Scarwork course in London, and repeated again in Aberavon. This method has a larger range of scar release techniques. I completed a specialist course in breast surgery scars and a specialist Course for Musculo-Skeletal ScarWork.
I have also trained with Emma Holly, now of Restore Therapy on her Scar Therapy for Oncology clients course at The Penny Brohn Centre in Bristol. I am currently completing Emma’s C-Section course.
I trained with Alistair McLoughlin in 2017, learning his simple effective technique.
I see these technique as being fully complementary to my use of EMMETT Technique as they are gentle and light touch. I look forward to discussing the possibilities with existing and new clients.
The presence of scar tissue in the body – however big or small the outward appearance of the scar can affect the layers of tissues under the skin, causing tension and discomfort not only in the area of the scar, but it can also influence the way the whole body functions.
The photos here are of my own fracture / dislocation ankle injury, external fixation and internal fixation. All of this means I have multiple scars – initially the fixation points for the carbon rods, which look small and insignificant – but can cause their own issues; then the second surgical procedure where a screw and a plate were placed to hold the fractured bones in place – two more scars – this time a lot more obvious.