There were days at the beginning of my complementary therapy journey when I felt that anything outside of the realm of the more medical and anatomical side of helping people was too “out there” or too “weird” for my practise. 

When I first went to learn about the EMMETT Technique in 2007, I thought it was exactly what I was looking for – all about muscles and soft tissues. Great – fitted my mindset perfectly. Until we started learning the hand positions and everyone around me was ablaze with what they were feeling under their fingers. For me, it was just about getting the positions right and I felt absolutely nothing except the gentle contact with the body. We spent three days learning initially and at the end of that time I very nearly didn’t go back to complete the training, because I thought I must be doing something wrong and that I just wasn’t getting what everyone else seem to be feeling. 

However what convinced me that EMMETT was for me were the results I was getting with clients. At my fingertips was a technique that could make my clients go “wow” when their range of movement improved or their balance stabilised within a few minutes, even when I didn’t “feel” the same changes as some of my fellow students were feeling.

I was hooked by these amazing results and found that my very closed interpretation of what the body could tell me began to change. My tunnel vision cleared and I started to feel what others felt and have not looked back from continuing to learn EMMETT skills since. 

17 years since I started on this path I am now comfortable with all sorts of discussions with other therapists about other techniques which I would have not even considered previously. My curiosity has been awakened and my therapy is all the better for it. I am regularly told that I must be a witch and that I am using magic. 

So when I was approached by a blog called Mystic Mag to be interviewed on what I did, I firstly thought that my therapies would not be of interest as I am not a “reader” or a “psychic” or “mystic”. However on discussion the team there were interested and so the interview went ahead and was published this week at this link:

Do go along to the link if you would like to read more about Every Body’s Better.