Exciting News

At the end of 2014, I received a very exciting phone call from Ross Emmett. He asked if I would like to join the Emmett-UK Instructor Team. Wow, I was speechless – not my normal state of being, I must say! Of course, I said YES PLEASE!
I am honoured to join a small team – Sue Gassick, Lesley Salt, Penny Gibbings and Hilary Cambell-Martin to deliver the Emmett Practitioner courses in the UK and Ireland and maybe even beyond these shores – who knows!
This year (2015) will be spent shadowing the other Instructors and getting ready to teach solo as well as reviewing and refining my own skills, and attending other courses with Ross Emmett and Senior Instructors. Over the past two years I have repeated most of the practitioner modules as a student with Lesley Salt in Cardiff Bay.
This is a great opportunity for me to realise my long held wish of having a larger community of Emmett Practtioners in Wales and The West Country, increasing the availability of this technique with clients throughout the area. Before long, I will also be able to share the Emmett magic with student practitioners. I have hugely enjoyed being an EMM-Tech tutor – and I will continue running those courses across Wales, with other tutors beginning to come on stream in Wales and The West Country too.
Of course, my work with clients will continue alongside my new role – there may be the odd week when appointments will have to be on a different day – but I’m sure we will all manage that very well.
This will be a wonderful opportunity for me to return to a teaching role – having spent 9 years in London as a Lecturer in Occupational Therapy back in the 90’s and also having obtained a Master’s degree in Higher and Professional Education at The Institute of Education, University of London.