It has been a busy time with lots of new clients experiencing Emmett treatments for the first time. However growing numbers of clients are also seeing and feeling the benefit of returning for regular maintenance sessions.
So what is the difference between ‘treatment’ and ‘maintenance’. Treatment is considered to be the fixing of a current problem whilst maintenance is about keeping the body feeling well and in as good a condition as it can be.

- People who work in difficult postures or using awkwardly designed hand tools;
- Active sportspeople who put their bodies through strenuous training & competition;
- People with sedentary hobbies or work involving high levels of computer use;
- Craft workers who put in long hours at their workbenches and then spend even more hours at their craft stalls
- Parents of babies and young children where physical demands on the parents change as the child grows
- People who work and/or live in stressful situations that they are unable to change
- People living with long term disability / illness or caring for others
The list is potentially endless — the gentle treatments I offer are suitable for everyone — at all stages of life. Everyone I see is welcome to return at appropriate, self determined, intervals for maintenance sessions. Some people choose to come at regular intervals of 4—8 weeks; others schedule MOT sessions to fit in with their training schedules or just before and just after a major competition.
Other clients return when their body tells them it needs some help to feel as good as it knows it can be. For many this is a real breakthrough in managing their own health and well-being.
Listen to your body and mind
and get yourself to someone who can help you
sooner rather than later